Selasa, 05 April 2016

Be a Dog Trainer Today!

Training a dog:
It is very important to start training your new puppy immediately. Your veterinarian may know of a good professional that can be hired, but who wants to spend all that money when you can do it yourself? Well-trained pets are much less of a burden on the household and are easier to care for.
There are two basic types of training: behavioral and obedience
Behavioral training can help prevent bad habits already present such as: jumping, climbing on furniture and chewing.
-Be consistent with your dog training. Do not let your puppy do something you will not let it do when it is fully grown.
-Learn dog behavior. The position of a dogs tail can tell you a lot about their attitude. A tail wagging fast usually indicates, "Happy to see you!" A dog with their tail loosely horizontal may be indecisive and want to get to know you. Same with a tail wagging slowly. A dog whose tail is held high and stiff, as well as wagging fast, may be aggressive. Ears back means scared.

Obedience training is dog training used to compel your dog to obey certain commands. Stay, sit, come are common commands.
-Sessions should be relatively short and should conclude before your dog gets bored (10-15 minutes). When frustrated, take a break.
-When speaking commands, say them loudly and repeat them often.
-Praise your dog with food or affection when it responds correctly
Here are some dog training tips:
-Start training your puppy as soon as you bring it home
-Never hit your dog
-When training your dog to sit, hold one hand over its head with a treat in it. Use your other hand to gently push your dogs behind into a sitting position. Speak clearly and loudly and say "Sit," while holding the reward above its head. Do not allow the dog to jump and grab the reward. You must say "No" to discourage this behavior. This will take many tries but eventually your dog will associate sitting with a reward.
-Teach your dog to sit before any other commands. Once your dog can sit for a few days without assistance of rewards, it is time to move on to other commands.
-When training your dog to stay, hold your hand in front of its face like a stop sign and slowly back away. When you are a short distance away, say "Come" loudly and with enthusiasm. When your dog comes to you, reward him. If your dog comes to you without the "Come" command, you must repeat the process until he learns. Always praise your dog when he completes a command correctly.
-After your dog can sit, stay and come without assistance, you may want to teach it "Down." Firstly, tell your dog to sit. Show him a reward in your hand. Hold the reward up and then bring it down to the floor in front of him. Only give him the treat if she lies down to reach it. Youll probably have to repeat this process quite a few times.
-Keep dog training sessions short and frequent

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