Selasa, 19 April 2016


OMD, today is the day... now Im officially a WHOLE YEAR old!

I sure hope ALL of my followers stop by to celebrate with me... this is my official "blogville, birthday party post" - if youd like to attend... just leave a comment (on this post) and then you will have attended my first ever birthday party!
"Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear RUDY, Happy Birthday to ME".

My raiser is planning on letting me open gifts AND eat doggy cake (made by her) later today... pictures will be posted tomorrow :)

I also received some furry cool birthday cards in the mail... which Ill be posting about tomorrow!

My furry cool raiser let me help make the cake yesterday morning... and I did a good job at making sure she used the right ingredients... of course, licking the bowl/etc is included :)

Picture of Rudys peanut butter & carrot cake - its iced with peanut butter, and has some kibble & shredded carrots for decoration

Soo - lets get this birthday party started, Ill be sure to give a full detailed description tomorrow, on how my party turned out - and how many furry cool guests came!

But fur now, PARTY ON!

Short note from my raiser:
Id like to wish Rudy a very Happy FIRST Birthday, and I sure hope he enjoys all the goodies (and cake) Ive got for him! If you guys would like to post about his party, on your blog - Rudy wouldnt mind at all!"

*Think this party sounds like total funballs? Leave a comment on THIS post and youll "be at" my birthday party - hope to see you there!*

Furry kisses to all, and I hope you can stop by!
BTW - Happy Saint Patricks Day!

Rudy - The dog with a blog

Picture taken of Rudy in a down-stay inside, this was one of the first pictures taken on his first birthday (today) Dont I look like a 1yr old??

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