Kamis, 28 April 2016

I LOVE The Mail Truck

OMD, Im IN LOVE with the mail truck. Over the past week, its brought ME some cool goodies!
Da first package was fur me... but my raiser is keeping it hidden, she keeps saying "its your birthday pressie", and she wont let me see it... until my birthday; but I know its something furry cool!

Da second package was from Addie, Lucy and Hailey (I won some prizes from them!), and the package was filled with LOTS and LOTS of goodies :) Many cool toys, some treats... and some things for my raiser! My raiser isnt giving me the toys just yet... she is saving them up for my FIRST birthday (March 17), so I will have lots of pressies to open.

AND... da THIRD package was from The Hound Dogs, they were sponsoring the Best In Show (readers choice) over at Mango Minster - and because all my furry cool friends voted fur ME, I won the "readers choice - Best In Show"!! (thanks for all your votes!). The Hound Dogs asked me many questions, like "what toys do you like?", "what treats can you have?" and many more... because they were filling up a goodie bag fur me! It was an amazing goodie bag - with treats, stuffies, no stuffing toys, NYLABONES, and much more!! My raiser will be giving me all those cool things... on my birthday.

BUT WAIT, there is MORE. I still have TWO more packages coming... just fur me!!
Da first one is coming from Jess and Glacial... I won a contest over at her blog... and shes sending me some yummies that she got from a local dog bakery! (Oh yeah... shes also sending something fur my raiser...).
Da second package will be coming from Rottrover... they were sponsoring the "Good Ole Dog" category, over at Mango Minster (first place)... and I won :)
Ill be sure to post many pictures of those packages, once they arrive.

I know you guys are all, like... bored of hearing me talk about all the cool goodies IVE won... So enjoy all the furry cool pictures below, and a HUGE THANKS to the bloggers that have sent us the goodies!

For you information... My (first) birthday is on March 17th 2011 (Saint Patricks Day!)... if you want to send me a pressie... feel free to contact my raiser via email! (guidedogawareness AT yahoo DOT com)...and birthday cards are also welcome... :)

Furry Monday kisses,

Rudy - The dog with a blog

Da wonderful package a got from Addie, Lucy & Hailey...
Picture of all the wonderful things Addie, Lucy an Hailey sent us - a doggy style scrapbook, a cute dog book, many toys for Rudy and some doggy treats. Rudy is laying down behind the toys

Da cool and wonderful things I got from The Hound Dogs...
Picture of all the toys and such The Hound Dogs sent us... including stuffies, dog treats, clean up bags, and nylabones

Da card from The Hound Dogs...
Picture of the card The Hound Dogs sent us

(Movie of Rudy trying to see whats inside the bag that The Hound Dogs sent him - the gift bag is still inside the box!)

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