Senin, 11 April 2016

Good Bye Fur Now

*(Written by Brandons Raiser)
Noooo... we are NOT leaving the blogging world... please excuse the "interesting" blog title, but the title does pertain to the post.
Wonder why Brandon isnt doing this post? Well, hes not here...
You see, Brandon has been having some "urinary track infection" issues for the last few months(peeing quite frequently - every 7-15 minutes and would start "dribbling" on the ground if he wasnt taken outside), but no matter the antibiotics, prescription diets, or anything we tried helped for more than just he first few days.
Last week it got so severe that Brandon just stopped "asking" to go outside and by the time I finished cleaning up one accident, I had another "trail" to deal with. Even with crated him, hell still have accidents (and then lay down and sleep on it...).
Brandon had an appointment at a Veterinary Specialist clinic this morning, after they did an ultra sound, the Doctor come back and talked with us. We still dont know much, but it sounds like its most likely not just a "bladder issue". She did notice something about his liver, but we really dont know what. After getting permission from the guide dog school, it was decided to leave Brandon at the clinic for the next few days, so they can go ahead and get all the tests done... and hopefully get something figured out.
So for now, I really dont know much of anything. But I just wanted to update all my blogging friends on whats going on.
Please pray for Brandon, not only to get better... but for us to find out what in the world is wrong with him. If its a serious issue, he may even get adopted out (cant really have a guide dog needing to pee every 10 minutes...).
Hoping to know more in the next few days,

-Brandons Raiser

Picture of Brandon & I in the waiting room... the poor puppy!

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