Minggu, 31 Juli 2016

Dog training as a whole

Well, being as this is my first post, let me introduce myself. Im a broke second year college student who spent my first college summer volunteering at the Humane Society of Memphis and Shelby County out in Shelby Farms. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it (yes even the cleaning of the cat cages and picking up the dog feces during the dog walking sessions).  I learned that I need to go into a field that deals with animals. I did lots of research on different jobs and discovered one that I could do during college with no problem. I could be a dog trainer. With what I learned about training dogs from the dog walking classes there and from my life experience with dogs, I set out to find someone willing to hire me.
              They get decent money for what they do and if its professional rates, it is possible to get around $70 per hour. Seeing as I am not a professional yet, I wont be charging that amount but somewhere in the neighborhood of $10-20 an hour wouldnt be too bad. That would give me money to eat on each week and possibly let me save up for some mode of transportation. Now I just need to advertise and that is the hard part.

Since this is my first blog, I dont know what to start blogging about. Im going to use this blog to practice writing a researched argument on something I enjoy. So any suggestions would be helpful. I would most likely start with the training methods based on dominance, but give me things you would like to know more about and I will research the subject and write a post.

The Eden Valley

Many people know how beautiful the Eden Valley is and those of us who live in it are very fortunate.
But to fully appreciate the area, you occassionally have to climb a little before seeing the Valley, which lies between the Pennines and the Fells. And what better way to do so than with the company of a dog?
The dog in question was Chester, a young Retriever who liked to get down and dirty ! What a water babe - although Miss Prissy aka Honey appears not to share in his enthusiasm.
But there was one thing she could do - squeeze between the bars of gates and stiles while poor Chesters path was blocked. Oh well, every dog has its day!

The beautiful Eden Valley
Even dogs have to gargle
Real dogs only need 3 legs !!!

Chesters Mud Bath

Chester likes water !
Clean, muddy, warm or cold, this is one young dog who loves H2o.
However ......
..... he doesnt enjoy it when its coming out of my hose and cleaning him.
But given time, Chester would soon learn that one of the house rules is that all dogs are clean and dry !

If its white, it will be a dog !

No Drop In Conformation Classes Next Week

There will be NO drop in conformation classes next Tuesday or Wednesday following the Woofstock show cluster.

Dog Training Supply

Dog training supplies are available in your local supermarket and pet shops. Always choose dog training supply items that are humane and look safe, anything that restricts your dogs breathing or movement is not a good option for training.
Dog training supply stores sell everything for anti bark collars to dog appeasing pheromones! There is always something for every dog at one of these stores and many come highly recommended. If you cant find anything in your local store the internet offers a vast range of dog training products and will ship to anywhere.
Dog appeasing pheromones are new on the market, they help your dog relax a little which is great because in today’s world there are lots of disturbing noises and smells out there and with a dog’s senses a lot more sensitive than ours they need that extra bit of comfort. There are three different ways to use dog appeasing pheromones and your local dog training supply store should have them. The three ways are a dog appeasing pheromones diffuser, which works by plugging it into a socket and letting it scent the room like an air freshener. The natural pheromones released will help soothe your dog especially when it comes to things like fireworks noises. Most dogs hate them and get anxious around them, and the diffuser will help them to stay relaxed. The pheromones also come in a spray which works the same way as the diffuser, the only difference is that you spray the area they will be entering about ten minutes before the enter and the effects should last around one hour to one and a half hours.
Your local dog training supply shop should have a lot of different products for you to try and take home with you, training your dog is serious business and the more help you can get the better. Always take dog training products seriously! They wouldn’t be out there if they didn’t work.
Before trying out a product always read the instructions thoroughly before hand and do not attempt to use the product if you think it will hurt your dog in any way. Learning is supposed to fun, for both you and your dog. So make it good by purchasing a few good toys along with your dog training supplies!

How To Make Your Dog Sit Up and pay attention !

Tilly and Annie both have lovely markings and Paul enjoys photographing them - if they sit still long enough!
Walking them with our son recently, he decided theyd arrived at a suitable spot for a photograph, but they werent so sure .... until our son got some sweets out of his pocket and began to rustle the wrappers !

Tilly & Annie
We have a really biddable young lad staying named Freddie. And if one thing makes Freddie really happy its the chance to play with a tennis ball ! Only a few days ago a really biddable young lad named Freddie came to stay. It quickly became apparent that Freddie liked to play with a tennis ball, so we forged an immediate bond using one.

Freddie keeps his eye on the ball .........
..... got it !
Running in the opposite direction, though with equal enthusiasm, is Honey, our 4 yr old Chihuahua who we were given at 6mths of age.
Capture Honey when she decides to suddenly run rings around you and youll capture a little dog with a huge smile !
A few turns and shes having a turn, resting by my side panting heavily, glint in her eye ....... before something in her little head tells her to do it all over again !

Believe me, youll never catch this little character !
And finally theres always Maddie you can rely upon if you want a mouse ! Despite being a well trained gundog whos won competitions, nothing shows where her true feelings lie better than her face !

"Can we come here again tomorrow .... and the next day too ?"

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2016

Meet Wilf

Meet Wilf, my latest residential training dog. At 18 months of age, this English Setter is a lovely, lively character. However Paul did manage to settle him down just long enough for a few photographs to be taken this afternoon.

Eight month old Inca and adult male Deefa are two very impressive German Shepherds who stayed with us recently - but neither could catch Lily when she was in full stride !

Next time youre stuck in the traffic, with your stress reaching dangerous levels, spare a thought for me as I struggle to reach my office without any mod cons.

Charlies first ever fashion shoot ! With Rachel in charge of his wardrobe and Paul looking after the camera, the poor lad doesnt stand a chance !

Dog Training Leash Collar by Mdarma

There are several types of dog training programs in the market. It is very important that you select, the most suitable program to train you dog. The dog-training program must cover trainings that you want your dog to follow. It is important to have a talented and faithful dog for you and your family. The successful program must reinforce the relationship between you and the dog. A good dog-training program will help you to get the respect of the dog.

This part will cover the leach or collar training. The leash is the main form of controlling and communicating with the dog in leash and collar training. This is the most popular method of dog training. The other successful and effective method is the reward training. Reward training is also called as positive reinforcement training program.

Both leash and collar training and reward training have been around for a very long time, and they have proven their effectiveness over time. We must understand that the type of training that works best will vary from dog to dog, and from breed to breed. It is important to remember that each breed of dog has its own unique qualities, reinforced by hundreds of years of selective breeding.

Leash and collar training is the best way to train a dog. However, as a owner, you are in a better position to understand the dog to determine which style suits well. The ultimate goal is to have an obedient, willing and a faithful dog.

In leash and collar training, varying degrees of force has to be applied, ranging from slight prompts with to a very harsh correction. The amount of correction used should be appropriate to the situation. Remember that using too much correction, or too little, will be ineffective.

When using leash and collar training, the dog must be trained to trust the handler and accept his or her directions and commands without question. In order for the dog to be fully trained, the handler must demonstrate the ability to place the dog into a posture or position he or she does not want to take. This does not mean using force, but it does generally require some level of physical manipulation. This manipulation is most easily and safely done using the main tool of leash and collar training – the leash.

It is important for every, would be dog trainer to understand that the leash is simply a tool and yet an important tool in this form of training. Even when the only tools at hand are the owner’s body and skill, the dog should be willing to obey. Creating a leader/follower relationship between handler and dog, and it is important to use the leash as a tool and not a crutch. A properly trained dog should be willing to obey whether the leash is present or not.

Meet some fantastic guests!

Tilly is a fabulous litte dog, who, after a nervous start, has really come out of herself .
And her best friend ? A certain Chihuahua !
In full flow

Coming round the bend is my Choccy Lab guest Cleveland, followed by a Jet.


I thought Id also post these two pics of Honey and Jaffa.
If ever there was a child / grandma relationship between dogs, this is it ! 
On walks, they are almost inseperable - well for Honey at any rate !
Honey and Jaffa after a rather long and wet walk !


Clicker Dog Training Kind Dog Training Clicker Dog Training Kind Dog Training

Clicker training is an established method of training among the most modern behavior dog trainers, in fact, in many forms, it has been around long among the animals trainers. It is a misconception that circus animals and zoo animals learned to put on a show have historically been taught using cruel methods, but not the case. So, back to the clicker.

A click is a small device held in the hand of the trainer or owner who, not surprisingly, creates a "click" sound. The sound is made to say that the dog did something good. For example, you ask the dog to "sit" and he did. Upon his bottom touches the ground, the clicker is used to make noise, such as "good job". The moment and highlights the exact moment when the dog did what you want.

Example Clicker Training:

As an example of how this method works on a step by step, here is a typical scenario:

Sit gesture is shown in dog.The word "sit" is used in conjunction with the hand signal.

The dog is sitting. His low touching the ground.
The word "sitting" is used in conjunction with the hand signal.
At the very seconds 3. occurs, the clicker is activated.
The clicking noise is immediately followed by treatment and praise.

The basic principle

But what does this for the dog? Ah, well, when you start clicker training with you a positive association in his mind with the clicker sound by following the click immediately with a food-based reward. This is a great exercise in itself to establish associations with the click sound. Finally, you can withdraw from the use of food processing, but the association is established and then the dog behaves just for the reward of the single click.

A slight problem with the clicker training is that the trainer should be fitted at any time with the clicker (it is wise to buy a few inexpensive items to make sure you always have one in hand) and of trafficking in food. It is not difficult to do, but the timing is just as the behavior of the dog - Click - reward routine must be instantaneous.

There is no reason to have a non-unruly dog that bothers you in the audience. Get the information you need on the training of dogs Ticker, easy, fast and efficient train your dog. If you want to know more about dog training through a click, petdoglogy.com visit and learn more about Pet Dog Training There is no reason to have a non-unruly dog that bothers you in public.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ossie_Hickson

Jumat, 29 Juli 2016

Classes Scheduled to Start June 4 Postponed

Due to the weather and high likelihood of rain the classes scheduled to start tomorrow; Fun with Agility, Beginning Obedience/Manners and Puppy Preschool will be postponed to start next Saturday, June 11.

Learn about Dogs Lecture Series continues 2

Greetings Dog Lovers,
  Please join us at the Nassau, Bahamas Humane Society, December 4th, 2012, at 6:30pm.  We are giving the public a forum to come with their questions and have them answered by professionals.  Topics to be discussed are in the flyer, please pass this around and get the word out.....TREATS AVAILABLE!!  The lecture is free free free!
See you soon ;)

Its cold !

Pauls five month old working Cocker Sumo looks shocked having jumped into a nearby beck. This young lad is a real water babe and one who will no doubt appear in future posts.

WOW !!

Meanwhile Sumos brother Cash watches very carefully as Nellie demonstrates the art of the perfect dive on a hot August day.

Nellie takes the plunge
 My beautiful puppies have been collected and I have to admit I was upset at seeing them go, even though I knew they were going to loving homes. One little lad still to be collected is Five Star (nickname) who found some mud one day. He looks very tired in this photo and indeed went straight to sleep once given a bath.

Five Star
Relief from the puppies comes in the form of training Doodles, a Labradoodle. When she first arrived, this young lady was in a world of her own but those days are long forgotten.


Important Information About K9 Nose Work Classes

Effective April 1, 2012, all six week K9 Nose Work classes will be $185.  Due to the longer classes and limited number of students, it is necessary to increase the cost of these classes.  Thank you for understanding.

There will be no drop in conformation class tomorrow Wednesday August 14 at noon

Kamis, 28 Juli 2016

June Newsletter

Well, this doesnt feel like June!  Having to worry about possibly postponing the start of class due to rain, doesnt seem like something I should have to worry about in June, but its a reality right now!  I cant figure out this weather.  Classes may start late, but they will go on!

I also wanted to take a moment to thank all of you for your patience and understanding this past month with cancelled classes, etc.  I lost my mother in law, and just three days later my Sensei, my Pekingese Fooey.  Both were sudden, unexpected and horrible losses for which I am still feeling a huge amount of sadness and pain.  Again, I thank you all for understanding when I couldnt be there or when I wasnt quite myself.


The Jensen Dogs
 The Jensens have been attending classes with Braveheart since last year and have had their wonderful crew of dogs in a variety of classes including Puppy Preschool, Beginning Obedience/Manners, Fun with Scentwork, Intermediate Obedience, Rally and Canine Good Citizen!  Mac (Bulldog) and Damian (Golden Retriever) are pictured above at our Easter egg hunt, but their clan also includes Scooby (mixed breed), Snookie (Bulldog) and Martini (French Bulldog).  I hope I am not forgetting anyone!  Mac and Snookie are competing in Rally.  Damian has his CGC and is a Paws to Read dog!  We love these guys!

Upcoming Classes
Please contact me if you are interested in joining any of these classes!
Rally On!, San Leandro, Wednesdays, 7:30-8:45pm, June 15, $150
Fun with Scentwork, Dublin, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm, June 16, $150
Confidence Building for Marshmallows, Dublin, Thursdays, 6-7pm, June 16, $150
Threes Company, San Leandro, Tuesdays, 6:00-6:50pm, June 21, $200

Fundraiser for Military Dogs
Dublin Creek Kennel is doing a fundraiser to raise money for http://www.supportmilitaryworkingdogs.org/This wonderful organization raises money to purchase cooling vests for the military dogs. Some of these dogs work in 100+ degree weather.  Cooling vests and doggles make their jobs safer and easier for them.  Braveheart will have a booth as well as many other dog businesses.  The fundraiser will be held on July 2 from 11:30 to 4:00pm.  Please come by and check it out!

Positive Training for Show Dogs Seminar
I will be doing a seminar on Positive Training for Show Dogs in Chico, California at the Canine Connection.  

Upcoming 1 2 day conformation workshop!

Mark your calendars for December 6!  I will be doing a 4 hour, 1/2 day long workshop on The Ins and Outs of the Show Ring.  This will be a workshop for people who are just getting started in conformation and need some help in direction in how shows work, what to wear, how to enter and what the show dog needs to know.  Please let me know of your interest and I will put you on my list of interested clients!  This is a tentative date but will be confirmed soon!

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

Great Dun Fell

Paul helped me out this morning by walking the dogs, as I was busy training.
As someone who has been on the Fells in all types of weather, he wasnt going to let a drop of rain spoil anything. And so it was that he took Chester and Tilly up to Great Dun Fell and the radar station - or as its known in our household, the "golf ball".
At least he had the common sense to park the car at Knock and use the tarmac road, rather than wading through boggy ground on the tops in very low cloud.
With his camera battery going flat, he took a few pics on his phone - possibly to prove that hed reached the top ??!

Tillys sad look is deceptive - she never stopped running and sniffing !
I think my previous comments are supported
The summit - was it really worth it ???
And on a clear day !

Disrespect Ummm I think so !

My comments about Archie being a gentleman are a little off the mark !
While talking to a very good friend in the kitchen, he decides to walk in and try and relieve himself on her !!!
After years of working with dogs, this is a first - and hopefully the last.
Butter ...... melt ....???? !

Staying with me at the moment is Jaxon, a Cocker. Jaxon wasnt terribly sure of things over the first couple of days but since then hes really been enjoying himself. After his daily walks he lays by my chair sound asleep in the evening .... providing hes not being bothered by Honey !


Dogs Obedience Training The 5 Basic Commands By Adrian Van Drunen

There are many commands that can be used in your dog obedience training, here is a list of basic commands and how to train your dog to make them.

• Sit down - This is the first and most basic command to teach dogs. Start by gently pushing your dog extreme and say the word sit. Which is caught in time to what you want.

• Down - This is the second command we want to address. Use this command to save the excitable dogs jumping on people. To train this command to tell your dog when you start jumping to them, do not act excited when they jump on you and if necessary, put your legs on the ground physically.

• Stay - stay command is as follows. Placement of a treatment on the ground and moves forward command "Stay", can be handy as I say. Moving further, and begin to obey.

• Come on - This command continues to stay. Your dog needs a command to know when it is okay to come to you. When the command to come and help change the tone of his voice and put a little excitement in his voice too. It can help to pat his leg in the beginning, but will resume soon enough.

• Stand - This is the last of the basic commands. Pat your hands on his chest and with enthusiasm in his voice of command stand. He will begin to know the difference when you can and when it is not.

Your dogs obedience training should begin as soon as you and your dog is ready. Consistency is important when training fun and you will be rewarded with a happy, obedient companion.

For more information on obedience training, or for more information about the behavior of dogs obedient Visit K-9.

Service Dog Training For the Hunting Dog By Lizzie Novotny

So what is the training service dog?

Many sporting breeds are used for training service dogs. A service dog is usually an assistance dog that is trained to help people with disabilities.

Many private organizations raise service dogs with the help of inmates or families as a puppy-breeders. Puppies learn obedience and basic skills (socialization) until they are old enough specific training. Others to train their own dogs at home.

Some breeds of dogs are good dogs hunting assistance

In the U.S. people with disabilities and their service dogs are protected under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which gives them equal access to wherever the public is admitted, such as restaurants, taxis and aircraft, and provides for the protection of handlers living in places "pets" are generally not allowed.

"Canine Companions for Independence" is an organization that helps people in need of service dogs. They use mainly Golden Retriever and Labrador for training service dogs.

How is a dog therapy used?

Hunting dogs also excellent therapy dog training. Therapy dogs visit residents of nursing homes, people in hospitals, and children in schools. They are used for emotional support and educational purposes. Therapy dogs encourage and comfort people.

Therapy dogs generally need to be certified before some places will accept them. Therapy Dogs International, Inc., and Delta Company are two famous groups therapy dog. They offer an excellent service. Dog training is often done using volunteers.

Dog rescue training can mean the difference between life and death

* The sporting breeds are also superb when it comes to dog rescue training.

* Many of the best search and rescue dogs are sporting breeds.

* They are agile, athletic, intelligent and aware of the need for this work.

* The same good nose and sensitivity working on the ground can be used effectively when it comes to finding a missing person or an animal lost.

* Some of the SAR (search and rescue) dogs used following 9 / 11 were sporting breeds.

What the eye to see the dog training?

People everywhere identify Labrador Retriever and Golden Retrievers leading see that the eyes of dogs. Guide dogs for the blind reproduction program based on their Labs and Goldens, with a small number of laboratory and Golden Cross, because these breeds excel in their tasks and have the qualities necessary to see eye dog training.
How does hearing dog training work?

Canes Venatici both heard dogs for the deaf and hearing impaired. With training, these dogs alert their owners to a variety of sounds, such households as a door or door knocking, alarm clock, oven buzzer, telephone, crying baby, or smoke detector.

The dogs are trained to make physical contact and lead their partners deaf to the sound source.

Any breed can be trained to be a hearing dog because they are generally small to medium size. Hearing Dogs are marked with an orange collar and leash and / or jacket. (Dogs for Deaf and disabled Americans) is the oldest hearing dog program in the country.

Assistance dog training dogs service covers training with a dog, hearing dog training and seeing eye dogs. Some dogs can even be taught to recognize signs of an impending disease, as an asthma attack, epilepsy or a diabetic emergency.

Many rescue dogs perform actions alerting their owners or other family members to a medical emergency. Sporting dogs, with their sensitivity and intelligence, have often saved lives with their dog training service.

Lizzie has a RN Novotny research and information on dogs website, in particular sporting dog breeds. She raises, trains and shows dogs and horses, and is familiar with all aspects of their care. Find answers to your dog issues by visiting its website. http://www.the-hunting-dog.com

Selasa, 26 Juli 2016

Proper Puppy Socialization

In this episode Fern talks about the importance of puppy socialization with Ariana Kincaid of Operation Socialization. Lack of socialization is an epidemic and one of biggest causes of behavioral issues in adult dogs, and most people have no idea how to properly socialize their new puppies. Combine that with the multitude of misinformation online and from some trusted professionals it’s no surprise that there is so much confusion as to what is the best and safest way to socialize. Socialization should start early and is very time sensitive. In this episode you’ll find out exactly where those pups should be socialized and how every dog’s plan for socialization differs.


Winter Games and Marshmallows Classes

There are still openings in the Winter Games class that is starting on Monday, November 12 at 6pm. Come and learn some fun things to do with your dogs whent he weather impacts your walks and other forms of exercise. There is also space in the Marshmallows class that is starting on the same night at 7:00 pm. Contact me if you would like to register!

March Newsletter


Haley is a beautiful, outgoing, Pit Bull mix that has been coming to Braveheart classes since she was a small puppy!  She has done our puppy, beginning, Canine Good Citizen classes, even our board and train refresher course and now she is rocking the Nosework classes!  Her parents Joanie and Dennis have done a wonderful job training this girl and keeping her busy!  We love having Haley in classes!

We have a lot of great classes starting soon that I would like to tell you about.  As time goes on, I try to add new classes to the schedule to keep everything challenging, fun and fresh for my clients and their dogs.  Take a look at what we have coming up and please let me know if you would like to register for anything.
Marshmallows Class, Dublin, Thursday, March 17, 6:00-6:50pm, 5 weeks, $150
Is your dog shy or uncomfortable around certain things?  Is he or she nervous of new people and you are not sure how to deal with it?  Then this class is for you! This class is designed especially for shy dogs.  The goal will be to teach owners of shy or fearful dogs to understand their dogs behavior and body language and how to help their dogs become more comfortable with different things.  We will work on some manners and obedience behaviors while also learning to help dogs cope in a new environment.

Confidence Building Class, Dublin, Thursday, March 17, 7:00-8:15pm, 5 weeks, $150
This class is all about building confidence in dogs through choice.  Using the seeking system in dogs (searching, investigating, exploring and experimenting) we build confidence by setting up situations that encourage seeking that the dog learns is rewarding and reinforcing which encourages more confidence and seeking.  This class is a great next step for many of our "Marshmallows" graduates looking for the next step in their dogs journey to confidence and security.  This class is limited to 5 dogs per session and to dogs that can be safely left in the car during the other dogs runs as dogs are worked individually (one at a time), which makes it a great choice for dog reactive dogs as well.

Threes Company, San Leandro, Tuesday, March 22, 6:00-6:50pm, 5 weeks, $200 
This class is identical to the Beginning Obedience/Manners Class listed above but is limited to only 3 dogs and owners.  This allows clients who need more one on one time.  Somewhere in between private lessons and a group class, our Threes Company class allows clients to afford more one on one training at an affordable cost.

Clicker Conformation, Dublin, Friday, April 8,  12:00-12:50pm, 5 weeks, $150
This course will help people wanting to get started with clicker training their show dogs.  We will work on teaching the dogs to stack, gait and accept examination.  While this is a class to teach conformation or show ring behaviors, dogs need not be show dogs to enroll.  This class will help dogs learn to accept handling and everything worked on is appropriate for pet dogs as well. 

Intro to K9 Nosework, San Leandro, Friday, April 8, 7:30-9:00pm, 6 weeks, $150
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. This class focuses on teaching you how to encourage and develop your dogs natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. Its a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence and burn lots of mental and physical energy and to find out just how good is your dogs nose. High food or toy motivation is beneficial for this class.Dogs must be able to handle confinement in a crate away from handlers.

Intro to Odor, San Leandro, Friday, April 8, 6:00-7:30pm, 6 weeks, $150 
This class advances the dogs scent discrimination skills taught in the Introduction to Nose Work Class. All dogs are taught to identify the first target odor, a natural essential oil. Additionally, we introduce techniques and tactics for building better dog/handler teamwork.Dogs must be able to handle confinement in a crate away from handlers.

Lectures on the Lawn, Friday, March 4, 6:30-7:30pm
As a crossover trainer, I will explain the differences between traditional, correction based training and positive reinforcement training.  I will talk about how they both work, how they are different and why I prefer positive reinforcement methods after having done both.

Drop In Conformation
San Leandro, Tuesdays, 7:00-7:30pm - All Dogs
San Leandro, Tuesdays, 7:30-8:00pm - Small Dogs
San Leandro, Wednesdays, 12:00-12:30 - All Dogs
San Leandro, Wednesdays, 12:30-1:00 - All Dogs

Aggressive Dog Training How to Have the Perfectly Behaved Dog By Pat Richardson

To reduce the number of injuries that are caused by dog bites, one must know the facts. Of every ten dog-biting incidents, six of them are by unneutered males who are usually pets. Among these fans, the vast majority are men, children under ten years, followed by girls of the same age, and then the elderly.

For aggressive dog training, preventive measures are best. Given that the majority of aggressive dog incidents are caused by family-owned pets, the type of race must be studied thoroughly before buying. Formation of a new puppy must be undertaken immediately and is not something that should be postponed - the sooner you start training your dog, the better. Conduct thorough training must be completed.

A very large part of aggressive dog training is to keep your pet on a leash when on public property and never allow him to travel outside the court. Your pet will also have the opportunity to socialization with other dogs and many others like it will be a huge advantage in the formation of a potentially aggressive animal. Do not leave your pet unattended with children at any stage of their training.

As mentioned earlier, the highest percentage of aggressive dogs are unneutered males or women who have not been sterilized to ensure that you have made or sterilize their dogs or sterilized between six and seven months of age will Also keep aggressive tendencies at bay.

While you are carrying out aggressive dog training, you must learn to recognize the warning signs before the aggressive behavior begins to emerge - that way you will be immediately able to nip the problem in the bud before they he has a chance to occur.

Do not allow others to tease or abuse the dog that is more likely to result in showing him more aggressive. Similarly, do not keep it tied outside unattended as this will again encourage aggressive tendencies. One of the best methods of aggressive dog training is to make sure it has a lot of exercise such as running, jumping, and walking like a tired dog is less likely to show aggression.

Do not make excuses for your pet aggressive behavior, as will be more harmful than useful for him - instead of accepting that you have a problem, and take the necessary steps to begin training aggressive dog.

Are you tired of your dog to do as he pleases? Is it to take over his aggressive behavior? Learn to take control again and teach your dog how to behave. For much information on training aggressive dogs visit my blog http://www.trainingfordogs.org

Dog Behaviour Training

Bad behaviour in dogs can consist of many problems. Does he bark all night long and keeps you from sleeping? Are you afraid he is going to keep biting? Does he chew everything except his toys? If the answer to any of these questions are yes you need to invest some time into a little bit of dog behaviour training. A little training will go a long way.

Dogs that bark can be extremely irritating but the main thing is not to loose your cool, if you shout at him he will try to shout louder than you. Try and find out the cause of his barking. Is he barking because he is afraid? Is he happy? Is there someone out there? If you can’t find the reason for the barking then he is doing it because he doesn’t know it is wrong to bark all the time. This is where dog behaviour training comes in. There are lots of products available to help dogs with constant barking, there are special collars which gives them the tiniest of electric shocks so they know that it isn’t good to bark.

A biting dog is maybe one of the more serious behaviour problems, especially now that the laws are tightened and any dog that bites someone is more than likely to get put down. Teaching your dog not to bite is one of the most important teachings you can give him. This is where you have to be firm and stick to your guns. When playing with a young dog they will automatically nip and gnaw at your hand this is because when dogs play together they play with their mouths. When teaching your dog not to bite stroke him with one hand while offering something which is acceptable to be bitten with the other hand, something like a chew toy or a raw hide treat. Your dog will soon realise that hands aren’t there for biting. This process has to be done repeatedly for it to take effect.

Dog behaviour training is simple enough for the experienced dog lover but when it comes to beginners all the help available is needed. Accept help from friends and family and maybe even enroll in a dog behaviour training class, this will help you to meet other people, having the same problems with their dogs that you are with yours. You are not alone when it comes to having trouble with dog behaviour problems. Every dog will get them, its just a matter of how you fix them.

A Day in Your Dogs Fur

The more I’m around dogs the more I realized how they hold the secret to a happy life. No, I don’t mean butt sniffing and leg humping (although I do enjoy both now and again). I’m talking about the things that really matter.

Most people have heard that dogs are present-minded creatures, which means that they “live in the moment” and don’t spend a second thinking about what happened in the past or what’s on tap for the future. Although you’re probably already aware of this, have you ever contemplated it and realized the simple power of it?

Dogs are all about the here and now. They don’t care what horrible things happened just five minutes ago, and are totally unaware of any unpleasant things on the agenda in the future. They don’t dwell on their mistakes and are unconcerned about their potential failures of tomorrow.

Dogs make the best of every situation that comes their way. They don’t look at the dogs around the neighborhood, envying them if they have a bigger house, nicer collar or a live with a human with more time to spend with them. No, they truly appreciate everything in their life, no matter what.

Our dog’s biggest pleasures come from the simplest (and most inexpensive) events. They jump for joy (sometimes literally) at the proposition of a walk – even when it’s only around the block; totally enjoy the bliss of a sunbeam to lie in; and reach the same level of crazy excitement each and every time you throw their favorite squeaky toy (usually the one way past its prime, that has very little stuffing left and a smell that is so unique that it defies adjectives).

There is never any judgment about anything either. Our dogs don’t care how much money we make or if we gain a few pounds, and they don’t hold grudges if we break a promise or come home late. No, they greet us with the same happy smile and friendly wag of their tail no matter what.

We can learn a lot from out dogs if we just open ourselves up to what they have to teach. So, I invite you to take at least one day to live like a dog. Whatever you are doing today, give it your 100% attention. Don’t think about the next task, the rest of the day’s responsibilities, or the crap that hit the fan an hour ago. Just embrace what you’re doing fully. Be on the lookout for many amazing, simple pleasures present in everyday life. Take a moment to hear the birds singing in the morning, truly appreciate your car, and greet all your family and friends with all of the love and energy that your dog shows you.

We spend lots of time trying to train our dogs how to live in the human world, take one day to let them show us how to live the life of a dog: a life of simple pleasures and daily joys.

The Pack

Our daughter Fran is in Montana USA and Ive been left in charge of her Pack - quite an honour. Shes due back in a few weeks time and I know shes already looking forward to seeing her beloved dogs again - and with good reason ! (On the group shot, L to R - Maddie, Nellie & Cash)

Meet Maddie, a highly trained gun dog whos won competitions for trialling after a spot of mousing !!

Back in for a few days boarding are Bailey and Fudge, who stayed with us earlier this year for residential training. They were a pair of loveable monsters when they arrived then, but when they were dropped off this time they were excellent and its so good to see that their owners have maintained the training !
And with those tails there little chance of us losing them !

When our fields grow as many buttercups as they do, its not surprising that Fudge comes out the colour that she does.

I thought I would post this photograph Id been sent from my youngest daughter Fran, whos currently on a ranch in Montana. No wonder she loves the state.

Toddle Cottage a mad house ? Surely not !! Believe me, this was not staged. Paul had his camera near him when Tod inexplicably chose the comfort of this bed over his own ...... I just hope Honey our Chihuahua doesnt find him in it !

Meet Ruby, one of my residential training dogs. Shes a Podenco x Husky. The Podenco breed comes from Spain and are used as hunting dogs. Ive been assured by her owner that Ruby enjoys off lead exercise and that if given the chance will just run and run and .... So as you can imagine, Ruby is not allowed off lead yet !

Few dogs can resist the temptation of laying in the sunshine, and boarding dog Spot is no different !

Annie, my two year old, is a very curious youngster .......... which is not always a good thing !!!

Useful Dog Training Tips

When you are training your dog, some useful dog training tips include doing the training in many different locations. For example, if you only train your dog to respond to the command of "Sit" while inside your home, it may not understand that it has to respond to this command in an outdoor setting as well. Leash training for example, is something that most people only do outdoors. You have to work on this training inside the house as well and then it will be really effective. Training your dog also means that you have to teach it to pay attention. If you have the dogs attention, then you will also be in control of your dog.

Teaching your dog to come when you call means that you always have to be nice to it and to give it lots of praise when it responds. Kind words and little pat on the head are almost as good as getting treats because your dog always wants to please you. If you have the dog on a leash you can teach it to come when you call by reeling it in when it doesnt respond. After you do this a few times, the dog will recognize that the command you use means that you want it to come to you.

You have to remember to reward the behavior immediately when the dog responds to your command, whether it is "come", "sit" or another command. If you ignore the dog when it does what you want it to do, this is negative reinforcement because it doesnt get the kind words or treat that it expected.

A puppy is a lot easier to train than an older dog because it hasnt learned any bad habits. It also learns things a lot quicker, but you should never hit the puppy or give harsh reprimands. Since a puppy is like a little child, it will misbehave on times because of its playful nature. You do have to understand your dogs behavior and learn when it wants to play and when it is able to learn new things.

For lots of great dog training tips and other dog training information, visit Your Dog Training Guide at www.yourdogtrainingguide.net

Click Here for more Dog Training Tips.

Raptor Class!!!

Mark your calendars!! I am super excited to announce that I will be assisting/co presenting a new Raptor Class with Jenny Papka as a fundraiser to benefit Native Bird Connections. We will have live birds of prey as we teach you about our native raptors, how you might be able to help them, how to identify the different species, what species you may see locally and so much more! This exciting one session class will be held on Sunday, December 14 from 1-3pm at Dodgers Paws Dog Training in Pleasanton. Cost is $45 per person. Thank you Christine Salazar for donating the use of your space to benefit our birds. Jenny is an amazing presenter with a 25+ year career as a raptor keeper, handler and former rehabilitator she has a wealth of information about these animals. Please contact me if you would like to attend and i will get you signed up. Please feel free to share!

Senin, 25 Juli 2016

Dog Boarding House Sitting

  Are you and your family traveling this holiday season and need reliable care for your pet?  You can trust us, our kennels and training grounds have recently been renovated are now better than ever.  Leave your sweet babes with us and we will treat them like royalty.  Call us and set up a pampering package of training and grooming while you are away.
   Each day and several times a day we walk and socialize with your loved one.  We will keep you updated with emails or phone calls to reassure you of their safe keeping.  Feeding will be according to your specified requirements.
  Bring along their comforts of home i.e. their food, their food bowls, preferred water and water dishes, blankies and beds.
   We will do everything possible to make them feel at home while they are with us.  Our boarding facilities are our home so we can ensure their safety 24 hours a day!  Thank you for your patronage and hope to see you soon.

~The Stubbs :)

One lovely Cocker Spaniel

A well rounded and confident dog reaches that stage by virtue of being socialised, or as I say, "shown the world", albeit in a controlled way.
But how many dogs grow up and develop in the company of a Norwegian Fjordhorse as it enjoys some breakfast - and how many actually want to share it ?!
Well Charlie, a 6 month old Cocker Spaniel is one such dog. Very sad circumstances have forced his owner to put him up for adoption, and who snapped him up ? My daughter Rachel. Since the two came together they have become inseperable!
"Save me some ............... please
Heavy rains meant that the River Lowther broke its banks, with the evidence being seen far and wide - not least in our fields !
Where did we put the buckets when we moved ?
But theres always one - or two - dogs who thrive in these conditions.
With an ability to sniff out water in the driest of places, Chester didnt need to look too far to find the stuff.
How can I explain his reactions . . . . . Ill let you decide !
One dog having fun !!
"Got it !", says Milo
Not to be outdone, Milo the Black Lab was also having a great time. In truth the two played constantly, either chasing after the ball or running around having fun. Unfortunately the difference in their colours, coupled with the dullness of the day, meant that no photos of quality could be taken of the two together ....... youll just have to believe me !