Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

Time to mellow

Having achieved all I could with Ellie, her owners and I decided it would be best to return her to own home and for me to make a number of home visits to see if all my training had paid off in the environment it’s most needed.
Our first visit took us to the vets in Appleby, a place which Ellie knows and where she would become over excited and a bit of a handful. Her owner was wished “good luck” when, on a previous visit, she had said she was going to have her dog trained to become a much calmer animal.
So it was a real joy to be there and see such a different dog! Her owner was thrilled to see Ellie behaving in such a calm manner and this continued around the town, as we were met by people young and old.

Not wishing to be left out of “the new me” category, Jack has continued to impress! He is such a calm dog now who takes notice of Paul’s commands as well as mine. I say this because I believe it’s important he doesn’t respect just one person – me. The last thing I want is for him to ignore his owner!


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