Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

My fields

The recent good weather has meant that Spring has finally landed and everything is turning green, not least my garden and fields.
And these two fields are really coming into their own at the moment.
With sheep and lambs dotting the landscape in every direction, the dogs main walk is always on the lead. But following a rest, the afternoon activity is in the fields where the dogs can play with each other, chase after a ball or simply catch grass - just ask one year old Nellie !

Nellie on tip toes

But for HRH,  the thought of exercise is tiring in itself !
Adding insult to injury, she evens sleeps right next to where Paul is working !!
Poppy the Cocker Spaniel began boarding in a quiet and reserved
manner, though by the time she was going home, I was seeing
the real Poppy.

Dave, a 2yr old Labrador. Hes a young lad who can be a little
boisterous but doesnt have a bad bone in his body ! We all
like Dave - until he crashes into us !

Breeze stayed for 24hrs on a "try out". I knew she could be timid
with other dogs but by the time she went home, I was pleased to
see that there were positive changes taking place. Breeze is due to
return for some more confidence building and I look forward to seeing her again.

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