Senin, 13 Juni 2016

Roma Molly and Sumo all love winter !

This is our Search & Rescue Mountain dog Roma, refusing to take another step !
Although our 10 year old Border Terrier x Patterdale has a terminal illness, she still has times when her old energy and enthusiasm return, whereupon we all make the most of it.
Roma admires the views !
Take yourself back to your primary school days and remember how it felt to put every drop of effort into winning a race ........ now look at 5 month old Molly and her expressions as she strives to reach Paul and those memories will come flooding back !
Jogging to Rachel but...
the sprint to Paul just 
gets faster ....
and faster ....
Meet one little diva - Lulu.
My Yorkshire Terrier boarding guest struts from one room to another before settling on the most comfortable looking chair. What else did you expect ? Lulu using the floor to sleep on ? Dont be silly !!

20 minutes in the snow and poor Sumo is a dog like no other ! This poor lad was due to go shooting today but Paul decided to stay at home. Just as well really, as I can only imagine what his dog would have looked like after a few hours in the white stuff !

Sumo - weighed down by his ears !
Bobby, one of my residential training guests, loves to have a ball thrown for him, as these pics demonstrate perfectly. Thanks to Rachel for being my willing assistant !
All eyes on the ball for Bobby

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