Sabtu, 04 Juni 2016

Change to Conformation Classes

Effective January 2014, my Tuesday 7pm and Wednesday 12pm classes will no longer be drop in and will be on a four class session schedule. This is to ensure that I do not end up with too many or too few dogs in a class which has become an issue at times. 

Here is how it will work. A new four week session will start every five to six weeks. The cost will be $40 for the four classes. If there are no sign ups, class will be canceled until the next session, if I get two or more, the class will run. You will need to register before the start of class. You will not need to fill out a registration form, just RSVP. You may pay before the class starts or at the first class. Please only RSVP if you are definitely sure you will be there. If there is space available, I will allow people to add in late, after a class has started at a prorated fee. I am trying to keep it flexible and easy to work around, yet still making it so that I can better schedule my time. 

If you have a discount card, you can still use those now. If you have a card with classes left at the end of the year, I will take it off of the cost of the class for you.

Thank you so much to all of you for your continued support and confidence. I truly appreciate all of you. I appreciate everyone understanding why I need to make this change. I purposely keep this class low key. It is a small space and I do not make it a point of advertising/marketing it a lot because I like to keep it small and full of clients who share my vision and philosophy in how we train and handle our animals.

The first four week sessions will start on Tuesday, January 7 and Wednesday, January 8.

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