Selasa, 07 Juni 2016

Meet a Welsh Springer Spaniel

Yesterday I had an all day appointment with an owner whod travelled from Falkirk, mid point between Edinburgh and Glasgow.
Linda brought her beautiful looking Welsh Springer Spaniel to see me and to iron out a few problems.

Rosie is, or should I say was, a young dog who liked to lunge at other dogs while out on a walk.

Having shown the owner how to correct this habit with Honey then Jaffa, I introduced her to my dog Tilly then Frans hyper Springer Spaniel Jake, who is energy personified !
By now Rosie was being very blase about the whole thing ! Jake, Ted, Frank, who knows or cares ?! Whatever the name they were of little importance to her and she completed ignored them, much to her owners delight.

Prior to travelling to Morland for lunch, Linda asked me the best way to get Rosie into the back of her car. This cheeky dog preferred to be picked up rather than make the effort herself. A simple demonstration followed by Linda doing it herself brought about alot of laughter and a high 5 !! Little things I know.
After lunch we were in Appleby to work on a number of issues and by the end of the day, I think wed addressed and resolved the problems that Linda and Rosie arrived with.
All Linda has to do now is continue with everything back in Falkirk, and Rosie will be the dog that she really wants.
If yesterday is anything to go by, I know she will.

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