Minggu, 05 Juni 2016

Aggressive Dogs In Conformation Classes

In the past I have tried to help people work through issues with their dogs in our classes including dogs in conformation class that may have issues with other dogs.  I have made the decision that this is not fair to the other dogs and students in the class.  Even if no contact is made, a dog can develop issues if he or she has been rushed, lunged at or frightened by another dog in class.  For this reason, I will no longer be allowing dogs that I feel make other dogs and people in class feel uncomfortable. Any dogs that makes contact with another dog due to the owner not being able to control the dog or not managing the dog in any way will immediately be removed from the class and not permitted to return.  This is regardless of whether the dog is behaving aggressively or the owner feels the dog wants to play, is being friendly or wouldnt hurt another dog.  It is everyones responsibility to have control of their dogs.  This would not be appropriate at a dog show and it isnt appropriate in class.

Thank you in advance for your understanding.

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