Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

August Newsletter

Summer is practically over and seems like it just started!  I guess we should be grateful for the weather not being too hot, but a happy medium would have been nice.  I hope everyone is having a nice Summer.  I have been enjoying my Summer but very busy raising a new puppy!  Venom, our 14 week old standard Dachshund puppy is doing GREAT!  We are having a blast with him.  If you are interested in following his blog please visit www.teachingvenom.blogspot.com. Please take a look at the schedule as we have a lot of classes coming up that I think you will all enjoy!

Lily Morse
Lily has been taking classes with Braveheart for a while now.  After completing our Beginning Obedience/Manners class her mom Barbara decided to give agility a try.  I am so glad that they did because Lily is a natural!  You never saw a more eager and happy agility beginner!  She loves it and we love her!

Upcoming Classes
Rally On!, Wednesday, 8/10, San Leandro, 7:30pm, 6 weeks, $150
Rally is a fun, relatively new dog sport that emphasizes teamwork and communication as dogs and handlers navigate a course of varied and interesting obedience exercises.  This class will teach you and your dog how to perform a wide variety of Rally exercises, how to read the Rally signs, and how to string the signs together into full Rally courses.  You will learn Rally exercises from both APDT and AKC, as well as the similarities and differences in rules and scoring between these two venues.  Rally is great fun whether you are interested in competing or just looking for a new and challenging activity to try with your dog.  Dogs must have completed at least a Beginning Obedience/Manners class or have the fundamentals of sit, down, stay, and loose-leash walking.  Due to space constraints, dogs must be dog and people friendly and able to handle confinement in a crate or car away from handlers.

Confidence Building for Marshmallows, Monday, 8/15, Dublin, 6pm, 3 weeks, $75
This class is designed specifically to help shy, fearful or insecure dogs gain more confidence and to help owners of these dogs learn how to read and help their dogs.

Skills for the Show Ring, Thursday, 8/25, Dublin, 7:30pm, 5 weeks, $120
This class will combine show ring run throughs with skill building exercises to help owners learn to better present their show dogs.

Puppy Preschool, Saturday, 8/27, Dublin, 11am, 6 weeks, $150
This class is the first step in getting your puppy headed in the right direction!  We work on socializing to people and other puppies, puppy raising issues and getting started on training some basic behaviors such as sit, down, come here and more.

Beginning Obedience/Manners, Saturday, 8/27, Dublin, 10am 6 weeks, $150
This class is designed to teach owners how dogs learn.  Students will be taught how to train their dogs to heel, sit, come, lie down, stand, stay as well as others. 

Fun with Agility, Saturday, 8/27, Dublin, 9am, 6 weeks, $150
This class allows clients and their dogs to experience agility.  Dogs will learn how to complete several different obstacles including jumps, tire, weave poles and tunnels.

Introduction to K9 Nose Work, Thursday, 9/29, San Lorenzo, 6pm, 6 weeks, $150
Dogs have an amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. This class focuses on teaching you how to encourage and develop your dogs natural scenting abilities by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. Its a great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence and burn lots of mental and physical energy and to find out just how good is your dogs nose. High food or toy motivation is beneficial for this class.
Dogs must be able to handle confinement in a crate away from handlers.
Introduction to Odor, Thursday, 9/29, San Lorenzo, 7:30pm, 6 weeks, $150
This class advances the dogs scent discrimination skills taught in the Introduction to Nose Work Class. All dogs are taught to identify the first target odor, a natural essential oil. Additionally, we introduce techniques and tactics for building better dog/handler teamwork.
Dogs must be able to handle confinement in a crate away from handlers.

Please visit the website to see our complete schedule!

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