Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Solving Dog Training Problems By Juana Cruz

Training your dog is certainly a difficult job. It could leave a challenge to understand why dogs behave the way they do, but it is fun and rewarding because you get to your dog better and you form a strong bond to be there. But like I said earlier, this is a difficult job, it is normal if you have problems in training dogs that can create headaches and frustrations.

This article focuses on two of the most common training problems dog owners encounter dogs - jump on people and pulling and pulling at the leash.

Jumping on people

Jumping research on those cute. Many people find pleasant when a gay dog, while his wagging tail, jumping on them. But it is dangerous because it can turn a child or adult with disabilities. You can even receive a complaint about that.

So how are you going to teach him not to jump on others? The best time to teach your dog when he is still young. But it does not mean it is now hoping to teach an old dog, although admittedly, it will take longer and be more difficult to learn a new behavior.

When your dog jumps on you, get his feet on the ground gently and firmly. Get off at his eye level, and encourage with incentives and praise for doing the right thing. In addition, telling everyone to apply the same procedure when he jumped on others. Tell them not to encourage your dog to jump on them. If someone else gives your dog a treat after your dog jumped on him and another reprimands him, that will only confuse the dog. You need consistency in teaching your pet to view the behavior, so make sure everyone does the same.

As I said earlier, give your dog a treat and congratulate him at eye level to strengthen lesson.

Extraction and tow leash

Similar behavior with the above problem, it is started, even by some who find cute. They play like tug of war with their dogs on a leash, which Entice their dogs to show this behavior.

Use a harness train to teach your puppy or dog not to shoot. He accepted the harness the same way he accepts the regular Buckle necklace.

When walking with your dog, through an appeal or a toy will allow your pet to your side. A necklace of training may also be useful, but be sure to use the right way, otherwise it will harm your dog and your pet will not learn very well.

Needless to say that the training collar should fit him very well. The size should not be too large nor too small. When walking with a puppy, make sure the leaves are kept loose all the time. When he starts to pull ahead, change direction very quickly so that it will soon realize that it is overdue. Change your sense even before your puppy has reached the end of the leash. Keep the leaves in bulk, except for the split second when you change direction. Use a quick tug, followed by a relaxation immediate left.

You must always be during the training period. Do not allow him to draw ahead. It is recommended that while he is still young and small, it is taught the proper way to walk, making it instilled in him early and you will not face many problems that the correction behavior later, when he gets older. This is particularly true if your dog is of great race, including a Great Dane.

When you change your directions using a leash, not to take your puppy or Yank on the neck because Needless to say it hurts, but it will not be learning. Just apply a gentle, less pressure on the leash.

There are many more dog training problems such as dog owners that you meet. To learn these and the best way to solve (and learn a few tricks of dog training), get the dog training ebook on Clickbank popular today as raved by thousands of other dog owners in worldwide.

"SitStayFetch" is recommended for the dog training book frustrated and confused dog owners regardless of their experience. It is a comprehensive manual on dog ownership, health, behavior, training and obedience, written by a dog trainer Daniel Stevens season. It is recommended a book that has helped thousands of other dog owners train their dogs in an efficient and easy. For a detailed discussion, visit my lens on dog training and obedience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juana_Cruz

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