Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Clicker Training Sit Command

Today I am going to be talking about the command "Sit" the starting point of
pretty much all commands. First off you need to figure out what training technique your going to use and stick with it. If you are not very experienced with dog training I would say to use clicker training it is a very basic training program that basically uses a device called a "Clicker" (Picture 1)
 which when you push a button it makes a click sound to mark a behavior, so holding the treat above your  dogs nose (Picture 2) and if done correctly the dog will automatically sit right as his legs touch the ground click the clicker and give a treat OR throw a toy for the dog. Repeat this process and once your dog consistently sits every time you give the hand signal then incorporate the word "Sit" so it should go like this lift a treat over the dogs nose and give the command sit when the dog sits click and give the treat. Make sure that your timing on the clicker is exact it is crucial. Repeat this process over and over throughout the week,  YOU SHOULD ONLY TEACH 2 COMMANDS PER WEEK! So for the first week I would do sit and down. I will be covering down in the next blog for more detailed instruction on the clicker please refer to this article ( this is a website were you can learn more about the clicker and even buy one.
If you have any questions or comments email me at

 < Picture 1


 < Picture 2

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