Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2016

Play Mate Match Ups Now Available for Braveheart Students

Play Mate Match Ups are now available! Bear with me as I figure out the best way to offer you this and figure everything out, as it may take me a few tries to come up with the best way to do things. 

Here is how it will work. If you are interested in getting your dog on my play mate list, you email me with this information:
Your Name
Your Dogs Name
Whether or not the dog is spayed/neutered
Your dogs most successful past playmates
Your dogs not-so-good past playmates
Your location
Your email

I will maintain a list and I will put you in contact with other Braveheart students that I feel would be a good match for your dog. I will not put dogs on the list that have a history of people or dog aggression. I will not list dogs that I do not know personally. I will not assume liability for these play sessions. It will be up to you, the owners to decide if the match up is a good one and if the dogs are good candidates to interact together.

I decided not to simply put a up a list because, 1) I do not want just aanyone to be able to contact people, without knowing their dog and 2) I think that I may be able to help in determining the best matches.

So, we will start with this. If you want to get your dog listed, email me at with this information. Please be sure to email, not message me. Please be sure to list ALL the information, even if you feel I know your dog. To save time, I plan to cut and paste the information from emails as I compile the list.

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