Rabu, 17 Agustus 2016

May Newsletter

At last the weather is getting nicer!  I am so happy for that, but do want to remind everyone that as the weather gets warmer and then hotter that it is critical to take care to keep your dogs safe in the heat.  Cars can get hot very quickly so dont leave your dog in your car even on a warm day.  As the days get hotter make sure that your dogs have access inside the house where it is generally cooler. 

Schnuffi Zocher
Schnuffi is a one year old, Basset Hound/American Eskimo mix who belongs to Vendy and Marcel Zocher.  He was adopted from Golden Gate Basset Rescue (a group I volunteer with) and is the littermate to my Jenny.  I began working with Vendy and Marcel to help them with Schnuffis shyness and he has continued through our Beginning class, Confidence Building and is now in our Canine Good Citizen class.  He is a wonderfully sweet and loveable dog who was so lucky to fall into the hands of devoted owners.

Suzanne Clothier
I spent last Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Suzanne Clothier seminar.  For those of you who may not know, Suzanne Clothier is a world famous dog trainer and author.  Her book Bones Would Rain from the Sky, on dog/human relationships was a life changing read for me and helped me to look at my relationships with my dogs and other peoples dogs on a much deeper level.  This presentation in particular was on CARAT (Clothier Animal Response Assessment Test) which is Suzannes method of assessing dogs.  Since it has been being used with the guide group she works with their success rate has shot up to over 87% which is basically unheard of.  What this means is that when they make their decisions on which dogs to accept based on this protocol, they have a 87% chance of choosing the right dogs.  It was a great seminar and has given me so much to think about in terms of how we access and choose dogs. 

Suzanne is so incredibly knowledgeable and skilled.  If you havent read Bones, I highly recommend you do.  I dont think you will be disappointed.

Nosework Certification
I recently made the decision to pursue Nosework Instructor Certification which I am really excited about.  The process takes about a year but I am excited to begin teaching Nosework and pursuing this new goal.  Yvonne Chohan, who runs the small dog playgroups and assists me in classes is also pursuing certification so its fun to be taking this on together.  I have been doing nosework with my own dog for over a year and decided that I definitely enjoy not only the sport, but the spirit in which is was created as well.  The goal of nosework truly is to have fun and build a cooperative, working relationship with your dog.  While you can compete it should still be done with the dogs well being and enjoyment in mind.  Yvonne and I have started offering a Fun with Scentwork class and in July we will officially be able to start offering K9 Nosework classes, so keep your eye open for those!

Easter Egg Hunt
Our first ever Easter Egg Hunt was a huge success!  I was so happy with how many of you showed up to have fun with your dogs and support the One Pup at a Time rescue that is run by Dublin Creek Kennel.  They always have a few dogs being fostered and this egg hunt helped us raise some money and awareness for them which is excellent!  Please see the picture below of Lilith Anne who was adopted at the Easter Egg Hunt!

Lectures on the Lawn
The Lectures on the Lawn are one hour, informal lectures on different dog related topics that are offered monthly at Dublin Creek Kennel.  This months lecture will be offered on Friday, May 6, 6:30-7:30 pm and will be an Introduction to Canine Body Language.  Please join us for coffee, tea, hot chocolate and snacks and a great discussion on body language.  Cost $20.  No dogs, people only please.
Upcoming Classes
Threes Company, San Leandro, Tuesday, May 17, 6-6:45pm

Fun with Agility, Dublin, Saturday, June 4, 9-9:50am

Beginning Obedience/Manners, Dublin, Saturday, June 4, 10-11am

Puppy Preschool, Dublin, Saturday, June 4, 11-11:50am

Fun with Scentwork, Dublin, Thursdays, June 16, 6-7:30pm

Confidence Building for Marshmallows, Dublin, Thursdays, 7:30-8:30pm

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