Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Its been rather wet

The recent weather has dominated things at Toddle Cottage, as the photograph further down shows. The rain and floods are one thing but when the winds become gale force for hour upon hour, it sadly restricts the height Paul can walk the dogs at. However, road walks ensures that heelwork is kept up to scratch !

However, meet anxious looking Arthur, who has travelled up from Bristol to spend a few weeks with me.
This little lad has plenty of behavioural issues, but given time Im confident that Ill be able to sort most of them out and give him a new lease of life.

One concern he arrived with was a sudden need to bite one of his legs when out for a walk. Its wondereful that the little dog  seems to have forgotten about this and is enjoying being out ..... now for the next problem !


Two photographs featuring Honey, a lovely young Lab whos also just arrived for residential training.
The first few days showed me that I had a rather stubborn youngster on my hands but weve now gone past that stage and are now working on the basics with very satisfying results.

....... and again

Its hard to imagine that only 4 hrs before this photograph was taken I was in the field training one of the dogs. At the time, only the far end was flooding, but as you can see, things changed rather quickly !

Its been raining !

Paul took this photo of Annie as she sat on my lap (dog trainers do have a soft spot!), looking at me turning the light on. He always seems to have his camera close at hand and noticed just how much my 6 mth old concentrating.

" Watch what happens when I pull this !! "

And finally, Paul was very pleased with the new bed I bought for his young lad Sumo. Unfortunately his dog viewed things differently and proceeded to treat it as a bone ! But his loss is anothers gain - though quite why Charlie thinks "his" new bed needs a peep hole is beyond me!

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