Rabu, 24 Agustus 2016

Honeys happy in the sunshine

Meet two dogs who were happy over very different aspects of the weather today.
Honey is a sun worshipper while Chester adores water. He is therefore in his element at the moment with so many puddles about.
In a momentary break in the clouds, I snapped this pic of the little dog as she charged towards me, her face beaming ............ if ever a dog smiled !

Meanwhile, Chesters enjoyment in all things wet and muddy is evident as he plays. But this surface mud was soon washed off with the hose before he was allowed back in the house !
My final pic is again of Chester, who decided to have a mad dash in a field! He returned as soon as he heard my whistle, and I couldnt help but think he looks a little lost in the waves of barley being blown about.

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