Jumat, 26 Agustus 2016

Becoming a Dog Trainer

Theres nothing better than getting up every day and looking forward to a long day of work. Sound impossible? Well, its not if you find a career you love.

For me this was not an easy thing to do. Ive had five very different careers in my life as I kept experimenting to see what I was good at and enjoyed doing. My journey finally ended five years ago when I decided to give dog training a try. From the moment I began it became clear to me that this would be my last career stop.

Now I truly enjoy every day of work and realized how many years I had wasted doing jobs I didnt like. Ill never get those years back and life is way too short to spend any of it doing something you dont really like doing.

What Ive learned is that if youre passionate about what youre doing not only will you enjoy it, but you will be much more successful than if you were in a job you merely tolerated. If you love what you do, youll give 100% to make it work and will be able to persevere through the difficult times.

So Im yelling at you to FIND WHAT YOURE PASSIONATE ABOUT AND PURSUE IT IN SOME WAY AS A CAREER! Once you do, youll be surprised how much more fun life can be.
If youre like me and dogs are your thing, then a career as a dog trainer might be a perfect fit. If thats so, the big question on your mind will be, "how do I become a dog trainer?"

I recently shot a video that answers that very question. Click to view:


When you begin working as a dog trainer the first thing youll realize is that there is no one way to train a dog - its not a one size fits all kind of thing. Different things work for different people with different dogs in very different situations. The same is true of learning to become a dog trainer. Theres a wide variety of ways to learn the tricks of the trade and there is no one best way. Do some research and figure out whats the best path for you.

I do have one big recommendation though: dont only learn about dogs - theres much more that goes in to creating a long term, successful dog training business. All the dog knowledge in the world wont help you pay the bills if you dont know how to run a business and market yourself. These are important things to learn and way too many dog trainers take them for granted or dont want to be bothered with it and that is a fatal mistake. Figuring out how to do this stuff will be the difference between success and failure.

Learning and implementing these skills has been the big reason that Ive been able to create a profitable dog training business in a relatively short amount of time.

So get out there, find your passion and take the necessary steps to get into a career that you love. Once you do, youll see that life is always good. I always say, "Every day with a dog is a good day."

For more information how my online certification to becoming a successful dog trainer go to http://makedogsyourlife.com

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