Jumat, 05 Agustus 2016

Phew a chance to sit down

Pauls insistence that I write "OFF" in my diary every Monday is probably very wise.
As someone who verges on being a workaholic, I sometimes need to be told to stop for my own benefit. Nevertheless, the remaining six days are just packed, with day courses, residential training and of course training dogs not to chase sheep and other livestock.
The latest email requesting help was from someone in Texas, while last week I was invited to an expenses paid trip to Portugal to solve the problem with some dogs. Thank goodness for the internet !

, guests come and go, with one of my residential training dogs being 6 month old Tally.
When she first arrived, Tally pulled my arm out of its socket, but two weeks since arriving, I now have her walking to heel on a lead on the road, while off-lead in the garden. Shes one cheeky little dog, who, as Paul has discovered, likes to help in the garden !
"Now where did I hide that bone?"

Paul took this pic on his phone of the dogs cooling off in a nearby beck. This is a secret spot, well out of the way and you have to know the area well to find it - so imagine Pauls annoyance when he returned the following day only to find someone had pitched a tent right next to it !
"No bombing or running please"
Not to be outdone, Nellie decides that some H2o is the perfect answer on a hot day. Thankfully her ear / mouth coordination is nothing special as she fails to catch a rotten piece of wood ...... just !
"Up up and away !!"

Meanwhile, has Honey had enough of Cash ? Far from it ! Believe it or not, shes found that these little tearaways can be alot of fun, the result being that not only is Cash her new best friend, but so to is Snip, Pig and Sumo - names which will undoubtedly be changed by their new owners !
Cash cowers in front of an excited Honey
And finally a true wildlife shot, where the photographer had to take evasive action the moment he was spotted !
" Get Him !!! "



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