Minggu, 07 Agustus 2016

Josephine and Chester

Josephine and now Chester have been collected by their owners and I was sorry to see both go. No doubt Chester will be returning in future and I like to think that Josephine might do too. The little Cavalier King Charles was in for training and completed her tasks very well. She was very responsive and very loving and her owner was so grateful to see her small friend behave so differently after only seven days !
I really love home boarding dogs as invariably I have some wonderful guests staying with me. Its a rarity that I ever need contact the owner to say "please come and rescue me now !".
And you can tell from these two photos that Chester and Josephine hardly fit the bill for nasty dogs. The only thing nasty about Chester is his love of all forms of water. Puddles are seen as a bath ...... muddy puddles are seen as a mud bath ..... and so on.
I think the photo of Chester shows him at his happiest !

On a personal basis, I was delighted to be told that Ive been featured in an online article about my sheep chasing ...... or should I say "how to stop a dog from chasing sheep !".
For further information, click here I should point out that the frightening photo theyve used comes from my website and was taken by Paul when he joined me one day to see how I did this aspect of the job. Janet

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