Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Good Dog Training Tips By Juana Cruz

There are many techniques to train your dog to make him become a good pet-behavior. Useful and a good dog training style you can apply for training is reward.

Dog owners assume that the training award is a new form of dog training, when the fact is that it is older than other forms of dog training. During antiquity, man has probably used some sort of reward to be given to small wolf (which later evolved to dogs, we now have) in exchange for their services and following their instructions.

While the principles and techniques learned in training are decades reward, they get attention in the last ten to fifteen years. Since many dog owners swear by the effectiveness of training reward, rather they use only when, in fact, a good dog training must benefit both training and reward more traditional left / col training.

Clicker training is an example of reward training. When training your dog using clicker training, you give your dog an order, and when it obeys you, you click the clicker and reward him with a treat. After repeated many times, the dog will soon understand to associate with the clicking sound to get rewarded, and make your orders from clicking on its own.

Reward training is associated with reward, which usually takes the form of food. Positive words, hugs and hugs can also be Rewards. In other words, you give something to your pet in exchange for good.

Reward training is like that. The manager responsible for the animal to follow his orders without any physical intervention, and when he does, reward is given, which usually takes the form of a deal, which motivations for the execution orders manager. A pat on the head or encouraging words like "good dog" can also function as rewards. However, this type of positive reinforcement is the best to understand the dog, he will face a good result for the year of his masters instructions.

If you get your reward in dog training, you have to remember that you must not only conduct the training in your home or your backyard, or when the trainer is around. Like humans, dogs need to socialize with other animals and face new situations for them to apply what they have learned.

Since training is a great reward for dogs targeted, it is applied to dogs that have serious jobs and the need to achieve the concentration when performing their work, such as dogs involved in the work of the police, drug detection and scent. Finally, it can help managers of many pets teach basic obedience commands with success.

However, it is true that the reward training works successfully for your dog and makes them become more educated, you should remember that every dog reacts differently to dog training methods. There are dogs that respond well to the left / collar training, while some dogs are becoming more and more trained through the clicker training method.

To learn more dog-training advice, buy one of the best training manuals on the Internet today, as raved by many dog owners around the world.

"SitStayFetch" is recommended for the dog training book frustrated and confused dog owners regardless of their experience. It is a comprehensive manual on dog ownership, health, behavior, training and obedience, written by a dog trainer Daniel Stevens season. It is recommended a book that has helped thousands of other dog owners train their dogs in an efficient and easy. For a detailed discussion, visit my lens on dog training and obedience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Juana_Cruz

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