Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016

Top 6 Dog Training Mistakes Are You Making These Mistakes When Dog Training By Carol Bennett

Dog training is very easy, if youre not one of these errors. The mistakes made during dog training is usually a result of frustration or simply be oblivious. Are you one of these errors when trying to train your dog?

1. Cue use different words or Command - When training your dog, you should always use the same word or "cue" during training. The use of many words can be confusing for your dog and he does not know what it is you want him.

2. During physically punish your dog Dog Training - Have you hit or slap your dog when he or she does not do what you ask or did something unacceptable to you? Physically punish your dog only causes your dog either fear or you can cause your dog to become aggressive.

3. Yelling or shouting during training - If youre shouting or yelling at your dog while trying to train, you are defeating the purpose all together. You want your dog to obey your orders in your voice calm. Shouting, you are only going to cause confusion for your dog always do your commands / benchmarks in normal, calm voice. By using different tones of your voice is not the same as yelling or screaming.

4. Training sessions last more than 10 to 15 minutes - your dog training sessions should last from 10 to 15 minutes. Your dog will not continue to keep its attention on you for periods longer than that. You need training to be beneficial and think that your dog give for long periods of time as a toddler is expected to sit in an area of more than 5 minutes.

5. Forgetting to rent or treat your dog whenever he or she follows orders or acts appropriately - Do not forget to give praise to your dog or treatment of each and every time he or she follows a command or acting the way you expect.

6. When training moody - If you try to train your dog when youre in a bad mood, had a bad day or are not feeling well, your dog will not get the full benefit of your efforts and this can cause aggravation. It may also confuse your dog always wait to train your dog when youre in a good mood.

Training your dog has never been easier! With the help of SitStayFetch, you can avoid the mistakes that are easy to make and stay on track to training your dog. For a discussion of the site, visit a dog in training - examination of the SitStayFetch.

Dog training is an important and vital part of your dogs life. A trained dog is happier, healthier and safer. Visit a dog in training for more dog training tips and resources.

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