Selasa, 04 Oktober 2016

Dog Training Make it a Rewarding Process By Bryon Zirker

A Native American legend dog.

"There was a time long ago when animals and humans can talk to one another. Then the Great Spirit said: "I have to separate you, because he needs to hunt, so the great spirit caused a deep ditch in the shape of the earth, dividing the population of these animals. As the gap has widened and, more broadly, at the very last minute, the dog jumped over to be with the man. "--- Black Elk

Training my dog was one of the most rewarding experiences I have lived. I love working with an intelligent creature who looks at me with curiosity, asking her eyes and face and movements "whats new, whats happening man, can we play?". I always spent fifteen minutes each day of training. After the training session was in each of the dogs, I can not reward them with at least thirty minutes of playing time.

My dogs like to play with the tires, Frisbees, all types of balls, sticks, water (they like to try to get the hose nozzle), chasing me around or hunting around me .

Training sessions should always be positive, direct and simple. I never overwhelmed the dog or behavior was I expected to complicated. I could learn from my dogs with a new behavior of a session and reinforce rather well with another three or four. Of course, when and on a park or lake, or simply walking, I continue to use all the commands to know the dogs to keep them fresh and crisp.

Tips 15 minute training sessions.

1. Use a snack sometimes reward. Try every other session.

2. Be concise in methods using the same tone of voice or travel.

3. Keep it simple. If something is more complicated, break it up and taught for several sessions.

4. If you want your dog to learn hand signals to teach that you do the training session. For example, if you plan to have the dog to sit through a hand signal and the signal at the same time that the voice command. Subsequent use the hand signal. Reward the dog excited when the connection is made.

5. If the dog is distracted or seems bad for a training session, interrupted the session and go and play for once. See if after a few minutes, you can return to the training session.

6. Always be patient, if you lose your patience, sense of that dog and become even more distracted.

7. Using a voice upbeat and positive. Your dog will learn inflection of voice and reacts to it based on sound level and tone.

8. Do you take any kind of basic training. Most are very good and give you a good overview of the command sets this work for you and your dog.

9. Make sure that you are the socialization of your dog at every opportunity. Introduce him to anyone and everyone you can. Dogs are very careful and learn to identify good people from bad on their own. If you ever wonder why a dog always goes after the mail or delivery of milk or other person delivery personnel, its probably because they were never set up for them and proved they are a normal part of daily cleaning process.

Any dog that was loved, well socialized and trained is a considerable asset to the owner and fits right in most families, very well. The only decision now is to get the dog, if you have not already, and when the training schedule installation. Good luck!

About the author:

"A good dog is a dog trained"

Use this bear intact, including the resource box. Thank you.

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