Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Coniston Country Fair

Last Sunday I had a very enjoyable day at the Coniston Country Fair, where Id pitched my Cumbria Dog Training stand for the day.
Fran came with me and of course where Fran goes, Maddie goes to.
Thankfully the weather held and we met some lovely people. With Coniston Lake behind us, there cant be many shows with a more beautiful backdrop.
Making new friends and with Maddie to my left
A recent guest has been Olive - aka known as Honeys playmate (poor Olive!).
These two play non stop, both inside and outside the house, and it was noticeable that the day after Olive had been collected, Honey did nothing but sleep. Dont worry about the fierce Chihuahua - when the going gets too hot, she can be seen running under the car for safety. Honey 1 - 0 Every Other Dog !
Honey chooses Olives left ear for dinner
Meanwhile, taking a leaf out of the The Three Bears nursery rhyme, Honey decides that a larger bed fits quite nicely, thank you very much! The fact that my new floor is not being laid until next week is quite incidental.
What is that down there ?
With the Country Show season in full swing, my next date is this coming Saturday at the Penrith Show.
I hope to see you there.


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