Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Oh No BIG trouble

We have a new addition to the family. Well, when I say "we", I actually mean Fran.
Let me introduce to you Nelly.

One very happy owner !
Now obviously butter wouldnt melt etc and shes most definately the apple of her owners eye ...... but !
Nelly is into everything.
Poor Honey thinks a mini tornado has hit the house and wont leave. Just this morning I had to laugh as I saw one 9 week old Cocker Spaniel come along and start to bury herself under "the small dogs" bed. Now awoken but looking less than pleased, Honey, who is now only half in her bed, decides to get out altogether and make camp elsewhere!
But all dogs need to know who the boss is and the photo below shows that Fran is beginning to establish her authority as top dog ........... but these are early days !

"Well walk when IM ready!"
  But when resistence proves futile, its time to get some sleep - in Honeys bed !!
"I hope Honey doesnt wakes me."
However Nelly is not the only dog. Quite the opposite.
Ive had a flow of some really lovely dogs, including the cheeky 6mth old Luke, a Flat Coat Retriever. This youngster is mischief personified and I think this photograph gives some idea of what this little character is like.
Young Luke and his ball
At the moment I have two Lurchers staying with me, Dooza and Milly, with Barney arriving earlier today - more on him later.
Milly is a youngster who, at the moment, I darent let off the lead even in the garden, as she likes to "investigate".
Dooza on the otherhand likes to stay close (rabbits unseen), and has bonded with Paul. He is a very loving dog though sadly somewhat anxious. But with Milly near him, hes calmer which is lovely to see.

The unmistakeable silhouette of two Lurchers

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