Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

Harry the Springer Spaniel

For speed, read Harry the Springer Spaniel !

This young lad has been staying with me for residential training and has been an absolute joy - I think these photos say it all.

His owners bought him from well recognised breeders of "working" Springers and along with his speed came a lovely temperament. Every morning when I walk into my kitchen, this happy lad greets me with something, and when Paul cant find a shoe or sock, chances are Harry is parading about with it in his mouth !

Without doubt I have one of the most enjoyable careers a person could have.Yes it can be testing and tiring, with me frequently working seven days a week ( dont say anything Paul :) ) but I can honestly say that the people I meet and the dogs I work with make it so much more than a job.

And seeing a dog like Harry change in only a few weeks, or the more testing Tilly and Teddie recently, I know that my hard work has brought about something much more rewarding than just money.

Harry and me fianlly see the sun
"Quick, take the pic - I want to go !"
"I love you Janet"!

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