Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

The Ducks Made Me Do It A Dog Training Refresher Course! © 2006 John H Dow

have a dog, his name is Tuxcitto. Tuxcitto is a Border Collie who is always looking for the possibility of using its herds. It does not matter if the animals need or want livestock if they roam in the area of livestock, they parked.

Tuxcitto is a very intelligent dog and it is very easy to train for most. But if you try to train a dog against their natural instincts, it is a battle. Tuxcitto and I agreed that if he does not want to run around harassing people and other animals, he gets a treat. The system runs on 95% of the time. But there is one big exception, so if you show up with more animals that look like they need a little direction, trafficking quickly lose their power.

This type of event occurs twice a day in our neighborhood. We live about 100 meters from the bay. This means that we have many birds that frequent our region. Add to this the fact that many people feed these birds and ensure that they continue to manifest themselves. Two types of birds that appear every day are ducks and geese. Ducks are the years, but the geese come in winter.

The ducks in our area are quite brazen. If they cross the street, they do not care if a car or other vehicle (we have a lot of golf carts running around too) is to come, they come to stroll across the road to take their sweet time. There is a stable group of about 15 ducks, but on a given day, it may be more or less. And these fellows May 5 or more minutes to walk 15 feet to cross the road because they often go in one line.

This group of ducks is really looking for a direction, it is clear to see Tuxcitto of view. One of the major crossing points duck is about 100 meters from our house. There is one quay fishing and boat launch that ducks like to frequent. They were right to land before launching the boat and swim until they can walk right out of the water as easily as possible.

This has probably been under way since the first person showed up to feed the ducks. And many in the neighborhood and had to leave a little food or stay and indeed it Dole ducks on a regular basis. These ducks can barely fly, they are so well fed.

They also quite an "attitude" and if they feel tired just sit down and go to sleep. And if you want to use the boat launch, or perhaps lead to the frontage road, although difficult is your chance.

Tuxcitto in the first few weeks here, it would often be out of the court or outside its anchor and go walk the neighborhood. We have recently overcome this problem and it is generally in our court or May and go visit the neighbor dogs. But on occasion, when the ducks are particularly noisy when they arrive, Tuxcitto can not resist and wants to go the flock of ducks.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, these ducks are quite independent. To say they do not want mad dog trying to do or go do something they do not want to save the least. But they have little choice when Tuxcitto arrive. The only problem is Tuxcitto no idea how to take them. So he just groups at the same time and then moves up and down in the area.

For many this is better than just feeding the ducks, but others who have not seen this activity before May Tuxcitto eat. There is a lot of barking and honking in progress and some ducks take flight, which adds to the circus. Ducks will not be deprived of their free meal and Tuxcitto rarely moves food.

I usually hear the Ruckus, or someone calls, or Tuxcitto brings flock of ducks home. Yes, some days we have heard of sitting ducks in our front yard. Tuxcitto seems to be pacified when he brings home and as long as they remain in the courtyard just seat and watches. And some day, ducks buy in this little circus.

So what kind of magic dog training have you done to overcome innate behavior? Im not sure there is any way to stop these natural tendencies in this case. Border Collies have been bred to do this type of activity. Tuxcitto will flock, its just part of his makeup.

I work to try to give him the opportunity to exercise this authority in the appropriate framework. I have a close friend who has a goat farm. I take him there often, which is a real challenge because goats have a tough provision. If Tuxcitto was not as quick and agile, he would have been variable in the head more than once. But time spent with goats Tuxcitto gives a good training.

It is quite good for about a week later. This seems to help, but I did not find a definitive solution and I am not sure I ever. It is well to examine your dog race and natural never when training your dog. Try to work within the known limits and not go against the natural instinct. Dog training is both an art and a science sometimes.

Many dogs can adapt to the new training, when Tuxcitto within ten feet of me, he will not disobey a direct order. But if I am not here to say no, it will come as livestock May. Then, around duck feeding time I try to remember to bring or distract him. But in all honesty, I must accept ducks strong need for training.

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