Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Tilly Jake and Jaxson

Yet again I’m stuck with some lovely dogs !! Jaxson is with me for around three weeks while Tilly and Jake are with me for five.
When Tilly first arrived she was rather anxious, but evenings sitting on my lap ( I know !! ) have allowed a very trusting bond to develop. Jake is a little too big to be given the same treatment but nevertheless, his confidence has grown the more he has been with me and Im very pleased with that. Jake would have appeared in the photos ..... if the battery had lasted !
My new friend Tilly likes to be close to me and I think the photo below sums her up pretty well - although she will have a sudden dash into the bracken, making full use of her little legs to gain maximum speed.

"Janet ..... someones looking at me"
As for Jaxson !
Like the other two, not a nasty bone in his body. Sometimes he just doesnt know when to settle down and let sleeping dogs lie - literally - but Honey soon puts him in his place ! She can snap at any dog and they all get the message and respect her, but in truth its all a front.
What are these two looking at ?
And at the end of the day, the dogs love having the opportunity to lay in front of the stove. What could be better ?

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