Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

Happy Valentines Day and a furry fun GIVEAWAY!

Hey furry friends!
By the time youre reading this... Ill be off at "puppy camp" having a furry blast. I was so sad that I wouldnt be here for Valentines Day, and really didnt want my raiser (or Al) to do the Valentines Giveaway... so I decided to do a"Scheduled post", and write it before leaving :)
Enough about boring old news, I want to wish ALL my furry followers...
picture of Rudys cute face eying one of the valentines stuffies
I hope you all sent something to that "special one" in your life... for me, its my furry cool puppy raiser - and I decided to give her early Valentines Day slobbery kisses!
Sadly though, I cant give her any kisses ON Valentines Day, due to the "puppy swap"... but early is better then never.
And now on to the GOOD part.
My raiser decided at the very last minute, to let me do a Valentines Giveaway. She was so late in telling me the good news... that I wouldnt have enough time to end the giveaway before, or on Valentines Day - so instead, I decided Ill start the giveaway on Valentines Day, and it will end when I return from puppy camp.
Wanna know the prize??
TWO furry cool followers will win...
- A Valentines themed stuffie (complete with a squeaker and crinkly sounds)
- A "Love me, Love my dogs" bumper magnetic for the humans car (thanks to Build a Sign)

- Some tasty homemade doggy treats
Picture of the dog toy & bumper magnetic

Picture of (uncooked) dog treats

Yes, you did read that right... my raiser is letting me open this giveaway for TWO lucky followers to win - and both winners will receive a doggy toy, bumper magnetic... and DOGGY TREATS!
The rules are very simple:
- Please be a follower of my furry cool blog
- To enter, just leave a comment on this post! (if youd rather not be entered in the giveaway... please let me know in the comment)
- The giveaway opens 2-14-2011 (TODAY) and will end 3-1-2011 (after I return from puppy camp)
- If you would like to post this on your blog... thats furry fine by me!
- Wanna extra chance to win? Leave ANOTHER separate comment, with a short/long story of when you first met your pet/human (if there is more than one doggy/pet doing the blogging... you get EXTRA entries... just leave a separate comment for each pup/pet!)

See how simple those are?
As long as youre following my blog... and leave a comment, youre entered! Its that easy :)
And if you want more chances to win... make sure to leave another comment with the first time you laid eyes on your furry cool human (or pet) - or what made your parents decide to claim you as their own (adopt/buy/rescue/helping a friend).
*Giveaway ends on 3-1-2011
My raiser will be sending out reminders, and we have yet to decide how the 2 winners will be picked... but I know my raiser will let you all know on that, when she decides.

If you have any questions please let my raiser know (guidedogawareness AT yahoo DOT com), I know shes looking forward to seeing all the entries!
Happy Valentines Day, and happy entering!

**If you do NOT have a blog for me to contact you by IF you win, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR EMAIL IS AVAILABLE IN YOUR PROFILE... IF NOT, PLEASE LEAVE IT IN A COMMENT**

Rudy - The dog with a blog

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