Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

A Few Updates

Hey guys!
As you may have noticed already, Ive been quite busy lately... and havent had time to blog... or visit any of you guys (sorry!).
I wanted to do a (somewhat) quick post today, and give a couple updates.
First off:
The guide dog school has just started neutering/spaying (some) of the guide dog candidates (the only reason why they werent being spayed/neutered, was the fact that all the dogs from SEGDI were in the "breeder program" too - but the school has decided to go ahead and start spaying/neutering more pups).
Since Ive had some recent medical issues (and my raiser thinks Im developing an allergy to corn), the school has just told us that Im to be...
NEUTERED. Yep, that "big" dreaded word... but more news on that later.
And another quick update... but WAY more exciting :)
My raiser has had some friends over for the last couple days... and they LOVE me! Im really enjoying all the extra attention :)
Furry Friday Kisses!
Rudy - the dog with a blog
My New Friends :)
Picture of Rudy with one of our friends
Picture of Rudy in a sit-stay with one of our friends

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